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New article: Landslide risk assessment considering socionatural factors

NEWS received from
Paulo Hader – São Paulo State University (UNESP)

New article: Risk cross-referencing for landslide risk assessment at a municipal scale, by Paulo Hader and co-authors from São Paulo State University, Brazil

This recently published paper proposes a model for landslide risk assessment at the municipal scale, useful for early waninrg purposes.
Three products, being rainfall thresholds, landslide susceptibility map and social vulnerability map were produced statistically. To couple them, the authors used a two-matrix approach, where in the first matrix the susceptibility map and the vulnerability map were crossed, constituting the socio-natural criterion; and in the second matrix, the rainfall thresholds were coupled to the socionatural criterion, allowing a real-time assessment.
The authors found that the model offers easy adaptation and calibration once new data emerges, as well as being able to be integrated into a landslide early warning system to make explicit the areas of highest degree of loss, where interventions can be made in advance to reduce the risk in specific areas.

Reference: Hader, P.R.P., Reis, F.A.G.V. & Peixoto, A.S.P. (2021) Landslide risk assessment considering socionatural factors: methodology and application to Cubatão municipality, São Paulo, Brazil. Natural Hazards

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