NEWS received from
Davide Tiranti (Department of Natural and Environmental Risks, Regional Agency for Environmental Protection of Piemonte – ARPA Piemonte, Italy)

A new Special Issue entitled “Geomorphological Mapping Research for Landslide” in the GeoHazards journal (MDPI) is currently open for contributions. The Special Issue is guest edited by Davide Tiranti.
Without a thorough knowledge of the landslides’ distribution on the territory you cannot lay the basis for developing a LEWS. The mapping of landslides is the first fundamental step through which it is possible to establish the relationships between landslides and the territorial and climatic variables responsible for their triggering and evolution.
The purpose of this Special Issue is to collect scientific works aimed at mapping landslides and the applications that derive from them, such as the production of inventory maps, susceptibility maps, hazard/risk maps, urban planning, and the development of tools in a GIS environment aimed at collecting, processing, analysis, visualization and dissemination of landslide data.
If you are interested in submitting your manuscripts to the SI, but your institution does not fund the open access publication, please contact Davide Tiranti to get a 100% APC discount (a maximum of 10 discounts are available).