NEWS received from
Silvia Peruccacci (CNR, Italy)
ITALICA, an extensive and accurate spatio-temporal catalogue of rainfall-induced landslides in Italy, is now online!
Over the last 15 years many researchers at CNR IRPI have been involved in compiling a catalogue called ITALICA (ITAlian rainfall-induced LandslIdes CAtalogue), which currently lists 6312 records with accurate information in space and time on rainfall-induced landslides that occurred on Italian territory between January 1996 and December 2021.
ITALICA provides the scientific community with a useful example of how to build accurate spatio-temporal catalogues elsewhere. The high accuracy of the catalogue’s data makes it particularly suitable for the prediction of rainfall-induced landsides (e.g. for defining rainfall thresholds to be implemented in landslide early warning systems).
The data description paper is published in the open source journal Earth System Science Data:
The catalogue is freely available at