Just like the last years, we would like to take advantage of the fact that some LandAware members will be in Vienna at #EGU25 in April/May… to get together for one evening, to meet and talk in person.
We chose Thursday, 1 May, 2025, because that’s the day the session on landslides early warning systems (NH3.7 The use of monitoring, modelling, and forecasting in Landslide Early Warning Systems) is scheduled, thus we are assuming that if you will attend EGU25, you will most likely be in Vienna on that evening.
The get-together will be an informal dinner with good Austrian beer, self-funded by the participants (unfortunately LandAware doesn’t have any funding to manage), in a restaurant/brewery: Salm Brau.
We suggest we meet there at 7:30 PM.
If you are in Vienna on that day, and you like the idea, we ask you to FILL THIS FORM as we need to know in advance the number of people participating (a reservation is necessary in that place).
Looking forward to seeing you in Vienna!