eLearning (WG04)

Reference person

WG Chair: Michele Calvello (University of Salerno – Italy)

Do not hesitate to contact me if you need more information or you wish to be actively involved in the activities of this WG.


The aim of this WG is to promote the transfer of skills and knowledge related to various elements of LEWS by means of purposefully designed educational products to be used, over the internet, as learning experiences. The educational products may be tailored to specific intended audiences or targeted to specific groups of LEWS stakeholders, also in cooperation with other WGs on specific initiatives.

Ongoing activities

LEWS fact sheets (dedicated webpage)

The project aims to highlight “at a glance” the main characteristics of operational landslide early warning systems.

Online educational material

Finding and collecting teaching/training material related to LEWS already available online [NOTE: Interested members are needed to move forward with this activity, more specifically to validate a first list of resources and create a dedicated webpage on the LandAware portal]

Past Activities

Two sessions organized at the LandAware MayDay 2021

Resources co-produced with SHEAR
(SHEAR web portal, SHEAR YouTube channel)

  • Short video: Introduction to Landslide Early Warning Systems
  • Infographic: Local Landslide Early Warning Systems: Monitoring and Warning
  • Infographic: Territorial Landslide Early Warning Systems: Monitoring and Warning