LandAware network News from members WG02 Communication-Networking

Webinars on Landslide Monitoring for Early Warning Systems

NEWS received from
Jose Antonio Gili Ripoll (UPC, Spain)

On behalf of the PyrMove and GeoRisk projects, we are happy to announce four one-hour webinars on “Landslide Monitoring for Early Warning Systems” (2nd Edition), to be held this April, every Wednesday after lunchtime.

The webinar series goal is to disseminate new techniques and concepts that might help in landslide monitoring and modelling. These new solutions may be the base of some Early Warning Systems for controlling and managing the risk, in order to reduce damage or losses.

The webinars are addressed to professionals working in the risk management field, but also to the administration and public authorities responsible of the landslide and rockfall prone areas. Academics and students are also welcomed!

Webinars agenda

Wednesday, 6th of April, 2022. 15:00-16:00 (CEST)
Mixed Reality tools for visualization of complex spatial data in geomechanics – by Joan Roca (BGC Engineering)

Wednesday, 20th of April, 2022. 14:00-15:00 (CEST)    
Distributed fiber optic sensing for geotechnical monitoring – by Werner Lienhart (T. U. Graz)

Wednesday, 27thof April, 2022. 14:00-15:00 (CEST)
Filling the gap between monitoring and modelling in geotechnical engineering – by Cristian de Santos (SAALG Geomechanics)

Wednesday, 4th of May, 2022. 14:00-15:00 (CEST)
Slope stability monitoring using Remote IoT Technology – by Àngela Lluch & Víctor Salines (WorldSensing)


Practical directions to follow the webinars

The technical sessions will be held in English. The attendance is free. The webinars will be held online through a Google Meet session

For the first webinar (Wednesday, 6 April · 15:00) the link will be:  (Meet code: sif-ftdu-oxd)

Next sessions will use a different MEET code. To be invited to one or several days, a simple pre-webinar registration is required: you must send an email to (the “2021” in the address is not a mistake, this gmail was configured for the 1st edition!) indicating your intention to attend to one or several webinars. You will receive the webinar link the day before each session.

In this link you may find a PDF with the factual information about the four webinars, a short description about the ‘PyrMove’ and the ‘GeoRisk’ projects and some useful links.

If you want, you can watch the four last-year webinars (April 2021) at the Youtube Webinar channel

For additional information, do not hesitate to contact the webinars ‘curators’: Technical University Catalonia (UPC)  & Institut Cartogràfic Geològic Catalunya (ICGC, Barcelona, Spain)

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