News from members

New article: Wicki et al. (2021)

NEWS received from
Adrian Wicki
PhD StudentSwiss Federal Research Institute WSL
Mountain Hydrology and Mass Movements Research Unit
Zürcherstrasse 111
CH-8903 Birmensdorf

In a recently published article we assess the potential of simulated soil moisture for regional landslide early warning. For this study, soil moisture variation was simulated with a physically-based 1D soil water transfer model and forecasst goodness for landslides was assessed using a statistical landslide forecast model. In direct comparison with in-situ measured soil moisture we found that the overall representativeness for regional landslide occurence is high, however that it is particularly challenging to well characterize critical antecedent wetness conditions.

Wicki, A., Jansson, P.-E., Lehmann, P., Hauck, C., and Stähli, M.: Simulated or measured soil moisture: which one is adding more value to regional landslide early warning?, Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 25, 4585–4610,, 2021.

LandAware network News from members

“News from members”: an outlet for sharing news related to LEWS

“News from members” is a new category of the blog aiming at creating a virtual space on this website for LandAware members to share news related to LEWS. The blog posts published in this category will also be sent via email to LandAware members and to the subscribers of our newsletter.

At any time, if you want to share YOUR news in this category, simply

  • send to us an email at with the text of your message and a proposed title of the blog post
  • wait for us to review your message
  • read your message online (and further share it in social media) after it gets published

We are looking forward to receiving and sharing your news.

LandAware network WG02 Communication-Networking WG04 eLearning

Meet the LandAware experts

Some of the interviews broadcast in short versions during the
LandAware MayDay round-the-clock conference.
Here are the extended versions of all interviews.

Mateja Jemec Auflič
(Geological Survey of Slovenia)
The Slovenian Landslide Prediction System
Interview to Mateja Jemec Auflič, by Stefano Luigi Gariano


Paolo Mazzanti & Saverio Romeo
Interview to Paolo Mazzanti and Saverio Romeo, by Stefano Luigi Gariano


Nicola Casagli
President of the International Consortium on Landslides
Interview to Nicola Casagli, by Stefano Luigi Gariano


Davide Bertolo (Aosta Valley Region, Italy)
Daniele Giordan (CNR IRPI)
Communication strategy at the Mont de La Saxe monitoring system
Interview to Davide Bertolo and Daniele Giordan, by Stefano Luigi Gariano


Lene Kristensen & Gustav Pless
(Norwegian water resources and energy directorate)
Local LEWS operating for the Aknes and Mannen landslides in Norway
Interview to Lene Kristensen and Gustav Pless, by Michele Calvello


Davide Tiranti (ARPA Piemonte, Italy)
The territorial LEWS in Piemonte region, northern Italy.
Interview to Davide Tiranti, by Michele Calvello


Tulius Dias Nery
(Brazilian National Center for Alert Monitoring and Natural Disasters)
Interview to Tulius Dias Nery, by Isabela Horta


Alessandro Mondini (CNR IRPI)
SAR for landslide failure detection and mapping
Presentation by Alessandro Mondini


Mauro Rossi (CNR IRPI) and WG1 members
A glossary for LEWS community
Presentation by Mauro Rossi (CNR IRPI)


LandAware network WG03 Communication with stakeholders

MayDay session on Communication and stakeholder engagement for LEWS

Blog post by Mirianna Budimir

We want to hear from you!

Challenges still remain in bridging the gap between providing scientific warning information and translating that into useful information for stakeholders. Best-practice guidance for early warning systems recommends engaging with stakeholders to co-produce useful forecast and warning information for decision makers. However, this is still a big ask and barriers, challenges, and gaps still remain in this process – including for landslide early warning systems. To address these challenges, LandAware have established a Working Group focusing specifically on this topic.

As part of the MayDay conference, Dr. Mirianna Budimir, Senior DRR Advisor from Practical Action, an international development organisation with global expertise in early warning systems, will share existing lessons and best practice from the wider early warning system field that can be applied specifically to landslide early warning systems. Using examples from operational landslide early warning systems, she will share key learning and practical recommendations about communicating warnings and engaging with stakeholders effectively.

As part of the session, we will invite participants to share their experiences of working with stakeholders and developing communication strategies for landslide early warning systems. We want to hear and share your experiences, challenges, strategies, successes, and lessons, in order to learn from each other within LandAware. Your reflections and questions will also inform the development of SHEAR programme guidance materials aimed at supporting better communication and stakeholder engagement for LEWS.

If you are interested in participating and contributing to the conversation, don’t forget to add it to your calendar:

20th May, 10:00-11:00 CEST

Contact us to feature in an upcoming publication

Are you involved in issuing landslide forecasts or warnings as part of an operational, live system? If so, please contact Mirianna to share your experiences outside of (or in addition to) the MayDay session. Your input will contribute to and could feature in an upcoming SHEAR programme publication which will provide examples and guidance on developing forecast information for institutional decision makers.

LandAware network

The first LandAware round-the-clock conference will be a “MayDay”

Join us for the LandAware MayDay round-the-clock Conference!

When: from 19 May 2021 14:00 CET to 20 May 2021 14:00 CET

Where: online (free registration required)

What: see the preliminary program

And if have one or more photos regarding landslides or landslide early warning to share… participate in the MayDay 2021 photo contest

Updated info at:

WG06 LEWS data

Second online meeting of WG06 “LEWS data”

The second meeting of the “LEWS Data” Working Group was held on April 14, 2021. The recording is available on our YouTube channel (video embedded below).

WG06 LEWS data

First online meeting of WG06 “LEWS data”

The first meeting of the “LEWS Data” Working Group was held on January 26, 2021. Are you a member of this WG but you missed the meeting? No problem, watch the recording, and use the online tools that have been set up for you to actively contribute to this WG.

LandAware network

Recording of LandAware kick-off 2020

The recording of the LandAware kick-off meeting, held on 14 December 2020, is on YouTube for you to watch on demand.

Enjoy it!

LandAware network

LandAware kick-off 2020

The kick-off event of the network will take place online on Zoom on Monday 14 December 2020, 13:30-15:30 CET.

REGISTER by filling the following Google form:
(the link to join the Zoom meeting will be sent by email to registered participants 1-day before the event)

The 2-hour event will include a presentation of the network and of its working groups, as well as invited lectures and a final interactive session (see detailed program below).

Schedule of the event

Note: being aware that the time of the event will not allow the easy participation of potentially interested people from all time-zones, the event will be recorded and later posted online for watching on demand.

LandAware network

International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction “LandAware is committed!”

The International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction celebrates, since many years, how people and communities around the world are reducing their exposure to disasters and raising awareness about the importance of reining in the risks that they face.

LandAware, the multi-disciplinary international network of experts in Landslide Early Warning Systems, sees worldwide cooperation and experience sharing among professionals and researchers as a primary driver for addressing and promoting (landslide) Disaster Risk Reduction.

We are young, we are just born, but we are already committed!