LandAware network

LandAware in the journal “Landslides”

A News/Kyoto Commitment article has been published today (online first) on the scientific journal “Landslides” to present the LandAware network to the many readers of the journal.

Calvello M, Devoli G, Freeborough K, Gariano SL; Guzzetti F, Kirschbaum D, Nakaya H, Robbins J, Stähli M (2020). LandAware: a new international network on Landslide Early Warning Systems. Landslides, online first.

Extracts from the article

Many recent international initiatives have been highlighting the importance of EWSs for disaster risk reduction purposes. [..] In response to these global initiatives, natural hazard experts working with EWSs around the world have recently founded programs and networks to promote international collaboration among members engaged in both surveillance of natural hazards and issuance of warnings to key stakeholders (authorities and public). Among them we can mention multi-hazard initiatives, such as the multi-stakeholder International Network for Multi-Hazard Early Warning Systems promoted by the World Meteorological Organization, as well as initiatives focusing on single natural hazards, such as the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission Tsunami Programme, the World Organization of Volcanic Observatories, the Global Seismographic Network of the IRIS consortium in the USA, and the European Avalanche Warning Services. Filling a gap in this global scenario, and in response to the abovementioned requests from the landslide risk scientific community, in July 2020 a multi-disciplinary international network of experts in LEWS was founded. The network is named “LandAware – the international network on Landslide Early Warning Systems”.

[..] upcoming activities of LandAware will always be, given the stated purposes of the network, in line with Kyoto Landslide Commitment 2020 priority action no. 1, which aims at promoting “the development of people-centered early warning technology for landslides with increased precision and reliable prediction both in time and location, especially in a changing climate context.”

LandAware network

LandAware is born!

The founding members of LandAware are happy to introduce you to a new international venue for multi-disciplinary knowledge-based cooperation among Landslide Early Warning Systems managers, researchers and stakeholders.

“LandAware – the international network on LEWS” was founded in July 2020 with the primary purpose to share experiences, needs and innovations among LEWS professionals and researchers and to develop and promote guidelines and best practices for upcoming LEWS.

In our vision, members of LandAware shall be committed to:

  • exchanging experiences, innovations and best practices in the development and operation of LEWS;
  • promoting staff training and supporting stakeholders responsible for landslide emergency response and risk management;
  • fostering cooperation between members through collaborative studies on specific cases and benchmarking of LEWS worldwide;
  • enhancing the communication and awareness about landslide risk to all the categories of stakeholders;
  • organizing scientific gatherings and dissemination initiatives;
  • producing common standards and terminology, guidelines, recommendations, opinion papers and white papers;
  • creating and maintaining online platforms as authoritative sources of information on LEWS;
  • liaising with other relevant organizations that share similar objectives.

Interested in cooperating for addressing and promoting issues related to LEWS? Simply fill a membership request and join us!

Welcome to LandAware.

We are looking forward to working with you,

Michele Calvello (President)
Graziella Devoli
Katy Freeborough
Stefano Luigi Gariano
Fausto Guzzetti
Dalia Kirschbaum
Manfred Stähli
Hiroaki Nakaya
Joanne Robbins