News from members

WLF6 – Guided tour in Florence (with landslides, of course)

NEWS received from
Samuele Segoni & Emanuele Intrieri (University of Florence, Italy)

Dear LandAware members,

this message is for those of you who are attending the 6th World Landslide Forum on November 2023.

In case you will be in Florence, you need to be informed about a side event for which you may want to consider staying in Florence one more day (before or after the congress): some LandAware members from the University of Florence, together with other colleagues, will organize a guided tour on a hill in the center of Florence (3 hours walk), to let you have the best view possible of the city and to tell you some stories about how the geology of the area influenced the development of the city. That will include landslides (of course!) threatening historical buildings and remedial measures planned by Leonardo da Vinci and now forgotten by Florence people!

This activity will be scheduled on Monday (before the congress) and on Saturday (after the congress). It will be offered as a free side event and will be advertised in the near future, but considering that some of you are already booking the flights and the accommodation, it’s better to spread the word in advance.

If you are interested, just program your trip to Florence accordingly, no other action is needed from your side at this moment: you will receive an official mail from WLF6 in the next few weeks

Of course, feel free to spread the word among other WLF6 attendees and also keep in mind that accompanying persons will be welcome (the tour is not a technical one).

Here you are the highlights of the guided tour:

• Florence 2000 years ago: Romans Vs. Etrurians in a peculiar geomorphological setting.

• Florence and its river between opportunities and disasters, searching for signs and memories that only trained eyes can see.

• The spectacular “Piazzale Michelangelo” and its incredible history, forgotten even by Florence people [spoiler: landslides involved].

• High exposure: how humanity risked living without ice cream because of a landslide (or was a landslide that gave us ice cream?).

• Palaces and churches: the story of famous ancient buildings spoken by their very stones.

LandAware network News from members

ITALICA: The ITAlian rainfall-induced LandslIdes CAtalogue

NEWS received from
Silvia Peruccacci (CNR, Italy)

ITALICA, an extensive and accurate spatio-temporal catalogue of rainfall-induced landslides in Italy, is now online!

Over the last 15 years many researchers at CNR IRPI have been involved in compiling a catalogue called ITALICA (ITAlian rainfall-induced LandslIdes CAtalogue), which currently lists 6312 records with accurate information in space and time on rainfall-induced landslides that occurred on Italian territory between January 1996 and December 2021.

ITALICA provides the scientific community with a useful example of how to build accurate spatio-temporal catalogues elsewhere. The high accuracy of the catalogue’s data makes it particularly suitable for the prediction of rainfall-induced landsides (e.g. for defining rainfall thresholds to be implemented in landslide early warning systems).

The data description paper is published in the open source journal Earth System Science Data:

The catalogue is freely available at

LandAware network News from members

PhD position at EURAC and University of Bolzano

NEWS received from
Stefan Steger (EURAC, Italy)

Eurac Research and University of Bolzano/Bozen are happy to announce a PhD position closely related to the Proslide project (

The selected candidate will tackle the topic “Deciphering landslide occurrence under climate change in South Tyrol using interpretable data-driven models” spending at least 6 months at Eurac Research and at least 6 months abroad.
The candidates must explicitly express in the application their interest in this project.

Applicant can submit their application up to 18 July 2023, 12:00 midday (CEST).

Information on the enrollment and the call for applications can be found at

WG05 Innovations

WG5 – Recorded presentation on Machine-Learning based landslide hazard mapping

NEWS received from
Manfred Stähli (WSL, Switzerland)

In the meeting of WG5 held on 14 June, 2023, Ann-Kathrin Edrich from RWTH Aachen University presented her work entitled “Time-dependent shallow landslide hazard mapping using an event-based machine learning approach

The recorded presentation is now available:

The next WG5 meeting is planned for September 2023.

LandAware network

Videos of the invited talks in the LandAware online workshop 2023

The LandAware online workshop 2023 was held on June 1, 2023.

If you missed the event, here you can watch the recordings of the invited lectures on the LandAware youtube channel.

Kristen Cook (University of Grenoble, France)

Kristen Cook – The use of seismology for real-time landslide detection and mass flow early warning

Johannes Leinauer (TU Munich, Germany)

Johannes Leinauer – Displacement data for early warning forecasting the time of landslides

Elena Ioriatti (University of Bologna, Italy)

Elena Ioriatti – Study of debris flow initiation through the analysis of seismic signals
LandAware network News from members

PROSLIDE project webinar

NEWS received from
Stefan Steger and Mateo Moreno Zapata (EURAC, Italy)

SAVE THE DATE for the online PROSLIDE event!

During the webinar, the results of the PROSLIDE project (Exploring new opportunities for the PRediction Of shallow landSLIDEs) are presented. PROSLIDE focuses on shallow landslide prediction using novel data-driven and physically-based approaches in the province of South Tyrol, Italy. The webinar consists of presentations (see agenda in the flyer) giving an overview of the methodical approaches and results, along with time for questions and discussion.

When: Thursday, 29th of June 2023

10:00 AM Central European Summer Time (CEST)

Where: Click here to join the meeting

For more information on the project, visit the PROSLIDE blog

No registration is needed

PROSLIDE is financed by the Autonomous Province of Bolzano and led by Eurac Research and the University of Innsbruck, which are supported by the Autonomous Province of Bolzano, the University of Twente, CNR, IGF-ÖAW, and the University of Padova.

News from members WG07 Operational LEWS

Second regional meeting for the Latin American region (in Spanish)

NEWS received from
Mario Reyes (MARN, El Salvador), Graziella Devoli (NVE, Norway)

SAVE THE DATE for the 2nd regional meeting for the Latin American region (in Spanish) organized by the WG7 Operational LEWS to establish contact among members from the same country/region, to exchange experience and to know about projects in the region and possibly to promote future collaborations among LandAware associates and observers.

Wednesday, 24th of May 2023 
– 1:00 PM Ciudad de Guatemala time
21:00 PM Central Europe summer time, CEST

Click here to join the meeting
Haga clic aquí para participar en la reunión
Klikk her for å bli med i møtet

LandAware network

New LandAware online workshop!

SAVE THE DATE for the new LandAware online event!
June 1st, 2023

– 6:30PM IST

• keynote lectures on innovative tecniques for landslide early warning
• discussion on data-related issues
• networking activities for early-career scientists/professionals

Pre-register by filling this form:

Stay tuned for updates!

News from members

New research Topic “Advances and applications in modeling, assessment, and mitigation of landslide disasters”

NEWS received from
Davide Tiranti (Regional Agency for Environmental Protection of Piemonte region, Italy)

The Research Topic “Advances and applications in modeling, assessment, and mitigation of landslide disasters” under Geohazards and Georisks, specialty section of Frontiers in Earth Science (3.661 Impact Factor 3.2 CiteScore) is now open for manuscripts submission!

Abstract Submission Deadline: 15 June 2023
Manuscript Submission Deadline: 15 October 2023

Info at

Key themes include, but are not limited to:

• Structural and geomorphological features of landslides at various scales
• Indoor laboratory physical modeling of landslides
• Theoretical analysis on the formation mechanism of landslides
• Risk and stability assessment method for landslides
• Applications of advanced earth observation technologies in landslides
• Numerical simulation of landslides subjected to rainfall and earthquake
• In-depth controlling factor analysis of landslides
• Time-series analysis of sensor data for landslides monitoring

LandAware network

EGU23 LandAware get-together in Vienna on Thursday, 27 April

As we did in 2022, we would like to take advantage of the fact that some LandAware members will be in Vienna at #EGU23 at the end of April… to get together for one evening, to meet and talk in person.

We chose Thursday, April 27, 2023, because that’s the day many sessions on landslides prediction and early warning (particularly NH3.7 Towards innovative Landslide monitoring, modelling, and Early Warning Systems) are scheduled, thus we are assuming that if you will attend EGU23 , you will most likely be in Vienna on that evening.

The get-together will be an informal dinner with good Austrian beer, self-funded by the participants (unfortunately LandAware doesn’t have any funding to manage), in a restaurant/brewery: Salm Brau (webpage). We suggest we meet there at 7:30 PM.

If you are in Vienna on that day, and you like the idea, we ask you to FILL THIS FORM (, as we need to know in advance the number of people participating (a reservation is necessary in that place).

Looking forward to seeing you in Vienna!