NEWS received from
Luca Piciullo (NGI Norway)
If you have missed the WG8 Workshop #3 On the use of IoT data you can find the recording here
and the material (ppt, references, other) here.
The summary report of the LandAware Workshop 2022 is now available on the page:
The recordings of the Workshop are available on our youtube channel:
NEWS received from
Luca Piciullo (NGI Norway)
Third Workshop on How to use IoT data in landslide modelling for the IoT-based methods and analyses Working group
December 1 – 16:00 – 17:30 CET time
16:00-16:15 Dylan Mikesell (NGI, Norway) – Timeline and planned activities
16:15-16:30 Ben Mirus (USGS, USA) – Overview of USGS monitoring, modeling, and other research strategies for real-time situational awareness and landside warning
16:30-16:45 Luca Piciullo (NGI, Norway) – A first step towards a IoT-based local early warning system for an unsaturated slope in Norway
16:45-17:00 Roberto Greco (University of Campania, Italy) – Identification of Hydrological Controls for Improvement of Shallow Landslide Prediction in Pyroclastic Slopes of Campania
17:00 Discussion
Ben Mirus is a Research Geologist with the U.S. Geological Survey’s Landslide Hazards Program in Golden, Colorado. Ben applies his background in geology, hillslope hydrology, and numerical modeling towards developing new tools for landslide hazard assessment and loss reduction.
Luca Piciullo PhD at the University of Salerno, Italy, in Geotechnical engineering. Currently employed at the Norwegian Geotechnical Institute (NGI), Oslo, Natural Hazards division, in the section Slope stability and risk assessment. The technical and scientific work focuses on slope stability analysis, monitoring and risk mitigation with early warning systems, risk assessment of building damages due to deep excavations and tailings dams stability analysis.
Roberto Greco, Ph.D. in Hydraulic Engineering at Università di Napoli “Federico II” in 1997, professor of Hydrology and Hydraulic Infrastructures at Università della Campania “L. Vanvitelli”, teaching in the M.Sc. courses in Civil and Environmental Engineering. Since 2016, member of the Editorial Board of Hydrology and Earth System Sciences. The research activity deals with monitoring and modelling of water in natural and artificial systems, with specific focus on hillslope hydrology and landslides; preferential flows in unsaturated soils; environmental impact of sewer systems; management of water supply networks.
NEWS received from
Luca Piciullo (NGI, Norway)
If you are interested to have access to the past workshops material (presentations, recordings, flyers) please send an email to
NEWS received from
Stefano Luigi Gariano (CNR IRPI, Italy)
The call-for-abstracts of EGU General Assembly 2023 is open!
#EGU23 will be an in-person/hybrid event in Vienna, Austria, on 23-28 April 2023.
The abstract submission deadline is 10 January 2023, 13:00 CET.
If you want to apply for financial support, submit an abstract by 1 December 2022, 13:00 CET.
The session entitled “Towards reliable Landslide Early Warning Systems” is now open to receive contributions.
The session focuses on LEWSs at all scale (from local to regional) and stages of maturity (i.e., from prototype to active and dismissed ones).
Test cases describing operational application of consolidated approaches are welcome, as well as works dealing with promising recent innovations, even if still at an experimental stage. The session is not focused only on technical scientific aspects, and submissions concerning practical and social aspects are also welcome.
Contributions addressing the following topics will be considered positively:
– conventional and innovative slope-scale monitoring systems for early warning purposes
– conventional and innovative regional prediction tools for warning purposes
– innovative on-site instruments and/or remote sensing devices implemented in LEWS
– warning models for warning/alert issuing
– operational applications and performance analyses of LEWS
– communication strategies
– emergency phase management
The recordings of the LandAware Workshop 2022, held in Zürich/Birmensdorf, Switzerland, on 3-5 October 2022, are now available on our youtube channel.
NEWS received from
Manfred Stähli (Swiss Federal Research Institute WSL)
Today, the recently funded HORIZON-project The Hut (The Human-Tech Nexus – Building a Safe Haven to cope with Climate Extremes) kicks off at Sorrento (Italy) to leverage best practices and successful experiences to deal with the warning of various natural hazards. Ten demonstrators distributed across Europe will for the next four years constitute a muli-hazard arena wherein innovative risk-management tools will be tested and further developed. Several of these demonstrators (in Iceland, Spain, Italy and UK) will include the forecasting, warning and management of landslide events. LandAware is part of the Legacy advisory panel with the aim of linking to our network and forwarding specific information and good practices that are of specific relevance to the LandAware community. We will keep you updated!
Three days of interesting talks, discussions, exchanges, excursions and fun!
Many thanks to all the participants and the WSL organizers!
NEWS received from
Catherine Pennington (British Geological Survey)
The British Geological Survey, the European-Mediterranean Seismological Centre and the Qatar Computing Research Institute have built a new Global Landslide Detector tool.
This machine learning tool extracts data automatically in 32 languages from social media in real-time, identifying landslides in photographs and placing them on the global map.
The tool is not intended to be used in isolation during a disaster scenario but could complement existing disaster workflows and provide new and timely data, taking into consideration the limitations described in the paper and data biases. It could also bring efficiency savings for data acquisition for landslide databases.
This first iteration of the tool involves more extensive model training experiments and a larger dataset than previous research.
Request for feedback:
The authors are asking the LandAware community to engage with the tool and feedback is requested on several elements including:
The paper: Pennington, C.V.L., Bossu, R., Ofli, F., Imran, M., Qazi, U.W., Roch, J. and Banks, V. (2022) A near-real-time global landslide incident reporting tool demonstrator using social media and artificial intelligence. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, v 77, 103089, 14 pp.
The tool:
For any enquiries, please contact Catherine Pennington at the British Geological Survey
NEWS received from
Luca Piciullo (NGI Norway)
Second Workshop on Real-time monitoring strategies as landslide risk management for the IoT-based methods and analyses Working group
September 8 – 16:00 – 17:30 CET time
16:00 – 16:15 – Dr. Luca Piciullo – Timeline and planned activities
16:15 – 16:30 – Prof. Emanuele Intrieri – Design of slope-scale LEWSs: from theory to practice
16:30 – 16:45 – Armin Dachauer – Comprehensive soil wetness monitoring for landslide hazard assessment in the Napf region (Emmental, Switzerland)
16:45 – 17:00 – Prof. Claudia Meisina – Hydrological monitoring for LEWS: the case of Oltrepo Pavese (Northern Italy)
17:00 – 17:30 – Discussion
Prof. Emanuele Intrieri is an Assisting Professor at the Earth Sciences Department at the University of Florence. His research is mainly devoted to landslides monitoring and forecasting, with particular reference to slope stability threatening cultural heritage and the characterization of historical and heritage stone buildings affected by detachments. He is author or co-author of more than 50 scientific publications in international journals and of a number of conference proceedings and book chapters. He took part in several national and international research projects and to civil protection emergencies as team member of the Centre of Competence of the Italian Civil Protection Department and of the UNESCO Chair on Prevention and sustainable management of geo-hydrological hazards.
Armin Dachauer received his master degree in Atmospheric and Climate Science at ETH Zurich. He is currently working as research assistant at the Swiss Federal Research Institute WSL (Birmensdorf, Switzerland), where he is responsible for soil wetness stations in Central Switzerland.
Prof. Claudia Meisina received her PhD in Earth Sciences from the University of Pavia (Italy). Currently is associate professor in Engineering Geology at the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences of University of Pavia, where she leads the Laboratory of Engineering Geology and she is member of the PhD School of Earth and Environmental Sciences. She has been a post-doc at the BRGM in France. She received fellowships through Italian Foreign Affairs Ministry and Centre International pour la Formation et les Echange Géologiques. She is actually involved in Liquefact Horizon 2020 Project and in several projects about the role of land use in shallow landslide triggering.