LandAware network

EGU24 LandAware get-together in Vienna on Thursday, April 18

As we did in 2022 and 2023, we would like to take advantage of the fact that some LandAware members will be in Vienna at #EGU24 in April… to get together for one evening, to meet and talk in person.

We chose Thursday, April 18, 2024, because that’s the day the session on landslides early warning systems (NH3.7 Towards innovative landslide monitoring, modelling, and early warning systems) is scheduled, thus we are assuming that if you will attend EGU24 , you will most likely be in Vienna on that evening.

The get-together will be an informal dinner with good Austrian beer, self-funded by the participants (unfortunately LandAware doesn’t have any funding to manage), in a restaurant/brewery: Salm Brau. We suggest we meet there at 7:30 PM.

If you are in Vienna on that day, and you like the idea, we ask you to FILL THIS FORM  as we need to know in advance the number of people participating (a reservation is necessary in that place).

Looking forward to seeing you in Vienna!

LandAware network

Recording of the seminar on the Brienz/Brinzauls landslide

The recording of the presentation on the failure prediction and hazard management of the “Insel” rockslide compartment at Brienz/Brinzails (Eastern Switzerland) held on 18 January 2024 by Simon Löw is online on the LandAware YouTube channel.

Seminar by Simon Löw on the “Failure prediction and Hazard management of the “Insel” rockslide compartment at Brienz/Brinzauls (Eastern Switzerland).
LandAware network News from members

EGU24 session on LEWS Call-for-abstracts

NEWS received from
Luca Piciullo (NGI, Norway)

The call-for-abstracts of EGU General Assembly 2024 is open!
#EGU24 will be held in Vienna, Austria, and online on 14-19 April 2024.
Don’t miss the chance to submit an abstract to our session entitled Towards innovative Landslide monitoring, modelling, and Early Warning Systems!

Contributions addressing the following topics are welcome:
– conventional and innovative slope-scale monitoring systems for early warning purposes
– conventional and innovative regional prediction tools for warning purposes
– innovative on-site instruments and/or remote sensing devices implemented in LEWS
– warning models for warning/alert issuing
– operational applications and performance analyses of LEWS
– communication strategies
– emergency phase management

The abstract submission deadline is 10 January 2024, 13:00 CET.

More info at:

Luca Piciullo,
Tina Peternel,
Stefano Luigi Gariano,
Neelima Satyam,
Samuele Segoni

LandAware network News from members

Research grant available at CNR-IRPI, Perugia, Italy

NEWS received from
Stefano Luigi Gariano (CNR-IRPI, Italy)

A new research grant is available at CNR-IRPI, Perugia, Italy.

The topic of the grant (on which the evaluation of qualifications and the interview will be based) is “Analysis of rainfall and geomorphological data and development of prediction models for rainfall-induced landslide triggering at a territorial scale“. The research grant is part of the project “Prediction of Rainfall-INduced landslides – Improving multi-scale TerritoriAL Early warning through aRTificial intelligence (PRIN-ITALERT)” funded by EU-NextGenerationEU.

Deadline for applications: 28 December 2023

The selection will be made by evaluation of qualifications and interview.

More information (in Italian and English) on the application and selection procedure can be found at:

The PRIN-ITALERT project (Prediction of Rainfall-INduced landslides – Improving multi-scale TerritoriAL Early warning through aRTificial intelligence) aims at improving the operational prediction of rainfall-induced landslides over large areas taking advantage of both rainfall thresholds defined using satellite-based rainfall products and innovative approaches based on artificial intelligence algorithms, in particular, Random Forest and Artificial Neural Networks.
Other information about the project here:

LandAware network News from members

Seminar: Insights from the Brienz/Brinzauls landslide (Switzerland)

Seminar by Simon Löw (ETH Zurich) and Andreas Huwiler (Canton of Grisons)

A seminar by Simon Löw (ETH Zurich) and Andreas Huwiler (Canton of Grisons), experts of the crisis management team, will be held online on Thursday, 18 January, 2024, 3:30 to 4:30 pm CET

The massive landslide above Brienz/Brinzauls (Eastern Switzerland) was one of the most highly regarded events in the Alps in 2023. An entire village had to be evacuated and there was great uncertainty as to how far the released mass would run out. In this LandAware seminar, two experts from the operational crisis management will tell us how they experienced the situation before and during the event and what lessons they learned from it.

The Brienz/Brinzauls landslide. Photo by Christoph Nänni

Simon Löw (ETH Zurich) will explain the hazard scenarios, the expected and observed long-term displacement evolution, the early warning criteria and evacuation phases, and finally the collapse processes.

Andreas Huwyler (Canton of Grisons) will answer questions regarding the communication with the local people who were evacuated one month before the event and with the media.

There will also be time for questions and discussion.

Welcome to save the date and spread the word.

Zoom link:

LandAware network WG07 Operational LEWS

Second regional meeting for Brazil (WG7)

News received from
Paulo Hader (PrimeIT, Brazil), Graziella Devoli (NVE, Norway)

Save the date for the Second regional meeting for Brazil (in Portuguese) organized by the WG7 Operational LEWS to establish contact among members from the same country/region, to exchange experience and to know about projects in the region and possibly to promote future collaborations among LandAware associates and observers.

Monday, 30th of October

– 18:00 (Brazilian Time, São Paulo/Rio de Janeiro)

– 22:00 Central Europe Time, CET.

Link to join the meeting:

LandAware network

LandAware get-together in Florence during WLF6 on Wed, 15 November

Registrations closed – sorry!

We would like to take advantage of the fact that some LandAware members will be in Florence, Italy at WLF6 in November 2023 (particularly for the session 2.12: Landslide Early Warning Systems: Innovation and Applications)… to get together for one evening, to meet and talk in person.

We chose Wednesday, November 15, 2023 to not overlap with the Welcome Reception and the Forum Banquet scheduled by WLF organizers.

The get-together will be a self-funded, informal dinner by the participants (unfortunately LandAware doesn’t have any funding to manage), in a restaurant to be decided. We will communicate it soon.

If you are in Florence on that day, and you like the idea, we ask you to fill this form (, as we need to know in advance the number of people participating to make a reservation.

Looking forward to seeing you in Florence at WLF6!

LandAware network News from members

Recordings of the presentations on LEWS in Latin America at UNGA78

LandAware members participated to the Virtual Session Experiences of Landslides Early Warning Systems in Latin America: Landaware network / Experiencias de Sistemas de Alerta Temprana ante Deslizamientos en Latinoamérica: red Landaware at the Science Summit at UN General Assembly (UNGA78) Wednesday September 13, 2023.

During the session, chaired by Carolina Garcia Londoño and Graziella Devoli, after an introduction on the LandAware network by Stefano Luigi Gariano, four examples of Landslide Early Warning Systems in Latin America were presented, in Spanish or English language, by Mario Reyes, Ivo Fustos, Felipe Mandarino, and Carolina Garcia Londoño.

The recordings of the presentations can be found on the LandAware YouTube channel.

Mario Reyes – Sistema de Alerta Temprana por deslizamientos en El Salvador [Spanish]
Ivo Fustos – Landslide Early Warning System: the Chilean case [Spanish]
Felipe Mandarino – LHASA Rio: a local LEWS based on NASA’s global landslide hazard assessment model [English]
Carolina Garcia Londoño – Sistemas de Alerta Temprana ante deslizamientos en asentamientos informales: de la academia al gobierno [Spanish]
LandAware network News from members

Session on LEWS at the UN General Assembly Science Summit

NEWS received from
Graziella Devoli (NVE, Norway)

Virtual Session at the Science Summit at UN General Assembly (UNGA78)

Title: Experiences of Landslides Early Warning Systems in Latin America: Landaware network / Experiencias de Sistemas de Alerta Temprana ante Deslizamientos en Latinoamérica: red Landaware

Wednesday September 13, 2023 10:00am – 12:00pm EDT (4:00pm-6pm CEST)

Registration needed

LandAware network News from members

ITALICA: The ITAlian rainfall-induced LandslIdes CAtalogue

NEWS received from
Silvia Peruccacci (CNR, Italy)

ITALICA, an extensive and accurate spatio-temporal catalogue of rainfall-induced landslides in Italy, is now online!

Over the last 15 years many researchers at CNR IRPI have been involved in compiling a catalogue called ITALICA (ITAlian rainfall-induced LandslIdes CAtalogue), which currently lists 6312 records with accurate information in space and time on rainfall-induced landslides that occurred on Italian territory between January 1996 and December 2021.

ITALICA provides the scientific community with a useful example of how to build accurate spatio-temporal catalogues elsewhere. The high accuracy of the catalogue’s data makes it particularly suitable for the prediction of rainfall-induced landsides (e.g. for defining rainfall thresholds to be implemented in landslide early warning systems).

The data description paper is published in the open source journal Earth System Science Data:

The catalogue is freely available at