News from members WG08 IoT-based methods and analyses

Working Group 8 kick-off meeting

NEWS received from
Dylan Mikesell and Luca Piciullo (NGI, Norway)

Please join us for the LandAware Working Group 8 (WG08kick-off meeting. This working group is meant to share knowledge from case studies and pilot test sites with the goal to test real-time monitoring and modeling for landslide early warning purposes. Both local and territorial landslide early warning systems will be investigated.

The speed-meeting will be brief (ca. 30min) and held virtually via Microsoft Teams. The goal of this meeting is to introduce interested participants to this working group and share information on potential opportunities. In addition, participants will have the chance to give input on the direction this working group goes.

Who: LandAware WG08

What: Kick-off meeting

WhereTeams Link

When: Wednesday 11 May 202216:00-16:30 CET


1. Introduction to WG08 – Luca Piciullo – 10 min

2. Short questionnaire – moderator Dylan Mikesell – 10 min

3. participant discussion – ca. 10/20 min

We hope to meet you soon virtually to start this exciting cooperative working group.

The organizing group:

Luca Piciullo, Dylan Mikesell, James Michael Strout, Regula Frauenfelder, Rosa Maria Palau Berastegui, Emanuele Intrieri, Małgorzata Chmiel, Veronica Tofani, Marcel Hürlimann.

News from members WG08 IoT-based methods and analyses

New Working Group!

NEWS received from
Luca Piciullo (NGI, Norway)

A new LandAware Working Group is born!
The new WG is dedicated to Internet of Thing methods and analyses, specifically devoted to real-time monitoring, modelling, and early warning.

The WG aims at gathering case studies and pilots to apply IoT-based methods and innovative monitoring sensors for warning purposes.

More info at:

If you are already a member of LandAware and you are interested in tthis WG please send your application by filling this form

If you are not yet member of LandAware please fill the membership request form