LandAware network WG07 Operational LEWS

New webinar by NASA and Pacific Disaster Center on Landslide Hazard Awareness

The webinar Landslide Hazard Awareness – NASA and Pacific Disaster Center cooperation to support decision-making” is scheduled for April 11, 2024 in the following time slots:

1:00 p.m-2:30 p.m. (EST)
11:00 a.m. 12:30 p.m. (Centro América)
7:00 p.m.-8:30 p.m. (CEST)

To join the webinar use the following link

Key objectives:
Present Research Findings and showcase the partnership between NASA and the Pacific Disaster Center (PDC) in leveraging advanced technologies and data to improve landslide hazard assessment and decision-making processes. Introduce participants to the various tools, platforms, and resources developed through the collaboration between NASA and the PDC, such as landslide risk maps, and decision support tools.

Expected outcomes:
At the end of the webinar, it is expected that participants will have gained a better understanding of the actions and strategies implemented by the organizations involved in the region and that concrete opportunities for future collaboration will have been identified. In addition, it seeks to foster a renewed commitment to risk reduction and resilience in Central America.

Expected audience:
The webinar is open to all LandAware associates in particular those from the LatinAmerica region or working with landslide early warning systems in the region. The webinar is aimed in particular at the network on landslides in Central America made up of experts from official institutions in Central American countries, such as INSIVUMEH of Guatemala, INETER of Nicaragua, SGR of Costa Rica, SINAPROC of Panama, COPECO of Honduras, and MARN of El Salvador.

Next steps – After the webinar:
A monitoring process will be carried out that will include preparing a report with the conclusions and recommendations that emerged during the event. In addition, the possibilities of establishing working groups or joint projects will be explored to advance risk reduction in the region.

Ricardo Quiroga: NASA Disasters Coordinator
Graziella Devoli: LandAware EC member/Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate (NVE)

Thomas Stanley LinkedIn
Greg Hampe LinkedIn
Robert Emberson LinkedIn

Duration: 90 minutes


  1. Introduction. 10 min. Robert Emberson and Graziella Devoli
  2. LHASA Model features and evolution. 15 min. Thomas Stanley
  3. PDC Disaster Aware. 45 min. Greg Hampe
  4. Q&A. 20 min
LandAware network

EGU24 LandAware get-together in Vienna on Thursday, April 18

As we did in 2022 and 2023, we would like to take advantage of the fact that some LandAware members will be in Vienna at #EGU24 in April… to get together for one evening, to meet and talk in person.

We chose Thursday, April 18, 2024, because that’s the day the session on landslides early warning systems (NH3.7 Towards innovative landslide monitoring, modelling, and early warning systems) is scheduled, thus we are assuming that if you will attend EGU24 , you will most likely be in Vienna on that evening.

The get-together will be an informal dinner with good Austrian beer, self-funded by the participants (unfortunately LandAware doesn’t have any funding to manage), in a restaurant/brewery: Salm Brau. We suggest we meet there at 7:30 PM.

If you are in Vienna on that day, and you like the idea, we ask you to FILL THIS FORM  as we need to know in advance the number of people participating (a reservation is necessary in that place).

Looking forward to seeing you in Vienna!

News from members WG04 eLearning

A new addition to the “LEWS fact sheets” project: Alerta Rio

NEWS received from
Michele Calvello (University of Salerno, Italy)

The “LEWS fact sheets” is an ongoing project of the eLearning Working Group, aiming to highlight, in a single page, the main characteristics of operational landslide early warning systems. Go to the dedicated web page ( to see the fact sheets produced and published so far.

The latest fact sheet produced and uploaded deals with “Alerta Rio” the municipal system operating in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil), which has been operational since 1996. Enjoy learning how it works.

Note: Are you a LEWS manager wanting your system to gain visibility by means of “our” fact sheets? Are you a LandAware member wanting to help us in creating new fact sheets? Do not hesitate to contact Michele Calvello or Anne Felsberg.

News from members

New article on LEWS and new special issue on landslide research

NEWS received from
Davide Tiranti (Regional Agency for Environmental
Protection of Piemonte, Italy)

A new article entitled “Climate Change Impacts on Shallow Landslide Events and on the Performance of the Regional Shallow Landslide Early Warning System of Piemonte (Northwestern Italy)” was recently published in the GeoHazards journal.

Shallow landslides are responsible for more than 50% of causalities due to landslides in northwestern Italy in the last century. The aim of the research study presented here is focused on understanding if and how climate change influences the occurrence and behavior of this landslide type. A total of 120 widespread shallow landslide events have been analyzed from 1960 to 2019, taking into account the spatial and time distribution in association with related rainfall historical data elaborated by the Optimal Interpolation (OI) model. Results underline that shallow landslide events’ number (aggregated per five-year intervals) is characterized by a weak trend consisting of a slight increase in the Alps and a more pronounced decrease in the hilly and Apennines environments. In addition, the trend of the annual accumulated rainfall average shows a weak drop in the winter season of about 9 mm in ten years. Moreover, the rainy days have generally decreased over the hills and Apennines, while in the Alps, only in the summer season, with a decreasing rate of about 1.5 days every ten years. The rainfall trends are in accordance with those of shallow landslide events, pointing out the close and direct dependence of the shallow landslide events on the rainfall regime variations. The results obtained were also used to validate the robustness of the performance of the Regional Shallow Landslide Early Warning System adopted in Piemonte over the investigated period, confirming the effectiveness of the trigger thresholds used for the entire historical series and for different geographical areas.

Reference: Tiranti D., Ronchi C. (2023) Climate Change Impacts on Shallow Landslide Events and on the Performance of the Regional Shallow Landslide Early Warning System of Piemonte (Northwestern Italy). GeoHazards 2023, 4(4), 475-496;

A new Special Issue entitled “Landslide Research: State of the Art and Innovations” in the GeoHazards journal is currently open for contributions. The Special Issue is guest-edited by Davide Tiranti.
The purpose of this Special Issue is to collect and group together quality scientific papers on these research fields and derived practical/operational applications.
The topics related to the Special Issue therefore concern the innovative methodologies to achieve landslides identification, classification, characterization and hazard/risk evaluation through geomorphological field surveys and studies, remote sensing applications, GIS data mapping, processing and representation, the analysis of predisposing and triggering factors, landslide early warning systems implementation and the impact of current and future climate change scenarios on the evolution of these