NEWS received from
Maria Teresa Brunetti, Stefano Luigi Gariano, Massimo Melillo, Mauro Rossi, Silvia Peruccacci (CNR, Italy)
The availability of accurate data on landslide occurrence and the rigorous reconstruction of the rainfall conditions that trigger them are essential to improve landslide forecasting, particularly given the growing usage of data-driven landslide prediction models, also based on artificial intelligence.
In this context, we published e-ITALICA, an improved rainfall-induced landslide catalogue, as a result of meticulous data collection and analysis. e-ITALICA includes accurate spatial and temporal information on thousands of rainfall-induced landslides that occurred in Italy between 1996 and 2021 (which were already included in the ITALICA catalogue, previously published in 2023), the triggering rainfall conditions for these landslides, in terms of cumulative event rainfall E (mm) and rainfall duration D (h), and the topographic and land cover information. The triggering conditions were calculated using hourly rainfall measurements from 4000+ rain gauges and applying the CTRL-T software.
e-ITALICA can be accessed and downloaded free of charge from Zenodo:
The open-access data descriptor paper is published in Nature Scientific Data: