NEWS received from Manfred Stähli (WSL, Switzerland)
In the meeting of WG5held on 14 June, 2023, Ann-Kathrin Edrich from RWTH Aachen University presented her work entitled “Time-dependent shallow landslide hazard mapping using an event-based machine learning approach“
NEWS received from Stefan Steger and Mateo Moreno Zapata (EURAC, Italy)
SAVE THE DATE for the online PROSLIDE event!
During the webinar, the results of the PROSLIDE project (Exploring new opportunities for the PRediction Of shallow landSLIDEs) are presented. PROSLIDE focuses on shallow landslide prediction using novel data-driven and physically-based approaches in the province of South Tyrol, Italy. The webinar consists of presentations (see agenda in the flyer) giving an overview of the methodical approaches and results, along with time for questions and discussion.
For more information on the project, visit the PROSLIDE blog
No registration is needed
PROSLIDE is financed by the Autonomous Province of Bolzano and led by Eurac Research and the University of Innsbruck, which are supported by the Autonomous Province of Bolzano, the University of Twente, CNR, IGF-ÖAW, and the University of Padova.
NEWS received from Mario Reyes (MARN, El Salvador), Graziella Devoli (NVE, Norway)
SAVE THE DATE for the 2nd regional meeting for the Latin American region(in Spanish) organized by the WG7 Operational LEWS to establish contact among members from the same country/region, to exchange experience and to know about projects in the region and possibly to promote future collaborations among LandAware associates and observers.
Wednesday, 24th of May 2023 – 1:00 PM Ciudad de Guatemala time – 21:00 PM Central Europe summer time, CEST
NEWS received from Davide Tiranti (Regional Agency for Environmental Protection of Piemonte region, Italy)
The Research Topic “Advances and applications in modeling, assessment, and mitigation of landslide disasters” under Geohazards and Georisks, specialty section of Frontiers in Earth Science (3.661 Impact Factor 3.2 CiteScore) is now open for manuscripts submission!
Abstract Submission Deadline: 15 June 2023 Manuscript Submission Deadline: 15 October 2023
• Structural and geomorphological features of landslides at various scales • Indoor laboratory physical modeling of landslides • Theoretical analysis on the formation mechanism of landslides • Risk and stability assessment method for landslides • Applications of advanced earth observation technologies in landslides • Numerical simulation of landslides subjected to rainfall and earthquake • In-depth controlling factor analysis of landslides • Time-series analysis of sensor data for landslides monitoring
NEWS received from Manfred Stähli (WSL, Switzerland) and Ben Mirus (USGS, USA)
On February 3, 2023, a meeting of LandAware WG 5 “Innovations” addressed the role of wind speed and direction for landslide occurrence in Hurricane prone regions.
Guest speaker, Yuri Gorokhovich (Lehman College, City University of New York) illustrated how we are getting closer to predicting landslides in Hurricane prone regions in real-time using wind information.
NEWS received from Davide Tiranti (Department of Natural and Environmental Risks, Regional Agency for Environmental Protection of Piemonte – ARPA Piemonte, Italy)
A new Special Issue entitled “Geomorphological Mapping Research for Landslide” in the GeoHazards journal (MDPI) is currently open for contributions. The Special Issue is guest edited by Davide Tiranti.
Without a thorough knowledge of the landslides’ distribution on the territory you cannot lay the basis for developing a LEWS. The mapping of landslides is the first fundamental step through which it is possible to establish the relationships between landslides and the territorial and climatic variables responsible for their triggering and evolution. The purpose of this Special Issue is to collect scientific works aimed at mapping landslides and the applications that derive from them, such as the production of inventory maps, susceptibility maps, hazard/risk maps, urban planning, and the development of tools in a GIS environment aimed at collecting, processing, analysis, visualization and dissemination of landslide data.
If you are interested in submitting your manuscripts to the SI, but your institution does not fund the open access publication, please contact Davide Tiranti toget a 100% APC discount (a maximum of 10 discounts are available).
NEWS received from Manfred Stähli (WSL, Switzerland)
We would like to draw your attention to the session 2.12. “LANDSLIDE EARLY WARNING SYSTEMS: INNOVATIONS AND APPLICATIONS” which is scheduled in the program of the 6th World Landslide Forum (Florence, Italy, 14-17 November 2023).
The session is open to contributions from researchers, agencies, decision-makers and practitioners and intends to cover every topic connected with LEWS, at every scale: methodological innovations, technical advances, operational implementations, reliability evaluation, documentation of case studies, communication strategies, social perception of warnings and management of uncertainties.
You can read the complete description of the session here, and submit your abstract at Please take note that the abstract submission deadline is set to 28 February 2023.
We wait for your contribution and we hope to see many LandAware colleagues in Florence next year!
16:00-16:15 Dylan Mikesell (NGI, Norway) – Timeline and planned activities
16:15-16:30 Ben Mirus (USGS, USA) – Overview of USGS monitoring, modeling, and other research strategies for real-time situational awareness and landside warning
16:30-16:45 Luca Piciullo (NGI, Norway) – A first step towards a IoT-based local early warning system for an unsaturated slope in Norway
16:45-17:00 Roberto Greco (University of Campania, Italy) – Identification of Hydrological Controls for Improvement of Shallow Landslide Prediction in Pyroclastic Slopes of Campania
17:00 Discussion
Ben Mirus is a Research Geologist with the U.S. Geological Survey’s Landslide Hazards Program in Golden, Colorado. Ben applies his background in geology, hillslope hydrology, and numerical modeling towards developing new tools for landslide hazard assessment and loss reduction.
Luca Piciullo PhD at the University of Salerno, Italy, in Geotechnical engineering. Currently employed at the Norwegian Geotechnical Institute (NGI), Oslo, Natural Hazards division, in the section Slope stability and risk assessment. The technical and scientific work focuses on slope stability analysis, monitoring and risk mitigation with early warning systems, risk assessment of building damages due to deep excavations and tailings dams stability analysis.
Roberto Greco, Ph.D. in Hydraulic Engineering at Università di Napoli “Federico II” in 1997, professor of Hydrology and Hydraulic Infrastructures at Università della Campania “L. Vanvitelli”, teaching in the M.Sc. courses in Civil and Environmental Engineering. Since 2016, member of the Editorial Board of Hydrology and Earth System Sciences. The research activity deals with monitoring and modelling of water in natural and artificial systems, with specific focus on hillslope hydrology and landslides; preferential flows in unsaturated soils; environmental impact of sewer systems; management of water supply networks.