LandAware network News from members WG08 IoT-based methods and analyses

News from WG8

NEWS received from
Luca Piciullo (NGI, Norway)

  1. The recording of WG8 Workshop #2 of IoT-based monitoring, modelling and slope stability is available here:

    Workshop #2 was about real-time monitoring strategies for risk management. Three different case studies were presented by Emanuele Intrieri (University of Florence), Armin Dachauer (WSL), Claudia Meisina (University of Pavia).  

If you are interested to have access to the past workshops material (presentations, recordings, flyers) please send an email to

  1. New paper published on Natural Hazards journal on real-time monitoring and modelling: “A first step towards a IoT-based local early warning system for an unsaturated slope in Norway”

    The paper describes a framework for a IoT-based local landslide early warning system (Lo-LEWS). Monitoring, modelling, forecasting and warning represent the main phases of the proposed framework. In this study, the first two phases have been applied to capture the hydrological behaviour of a natural unsaturated slope located adjacent to a railway track in Eastern Norway.
LandAware network News from members

Session on LEWS at EGU2023

NEWS received from
Stefano Luigi Gariano (CNR IRPI, Italy)

The call-for-abstracts of EGU General Assembly 2023 is open!
#EGU23 will be an in-person/hybrid event in Vienna, Austria, on 23-28 April 2023.

The abstract submission deadline is 10 January 2023, 13:00 CET.

If you want to apply for financial support, submit an abstract by 1 December 2022, 13:00 CET.

The session entitled “Towards reliable Landslide Early Warning Systems” is now open to receive contributions.

The session focuses on LEWSs at all scale (from local to regional) and stages of maturity (i.e., from prototype to active and dismissed ones).
Test cases describing operational application of consolidated approaches are welcome, as well as works dealing with promising recent innovations, even if still at an experimental stage. The session is not focused only on technical scientific aspects, and submissions concerning practical and social aspects are also welcome.

Contributions addressing the following topics will be considered positively:
– conventional and innovative slope-scale monitoring systems for early warning purposes
– conventional and innovative regional prediction tools for warning purposes
innovative on-site instruments and/or remote sensing devices implemented in LEWS
warning models for warning/alert issuing
operational applications and performance analyses of LEWS
communication strategies
emergency phase management

LandAware network News from members

New HORIZON-project The HuT kicks off

NEWS received from
Manfred Stähli (Swiss Federal Research Institute WSL)

Today, the recently funded HORIZON-project The Hut (The Human-Tech Nexus – Building a Safe Haven to cope with Climate Extremes) kicks off at Sorrento (Italy) to leverage best practices and successful experiences to deal with the warning of various natural hazards. Ten demonstrators distributed across Europe will for the next four years constitute a muli-hazard arena wherein innovative risk-management tools will be tested and further developed. Several of these demonstrators (in Iceland, Spain, Italy and UK) will include the forecasting, warning and management of landslide events. LandAware is part of the Legacy advisory panel with the aim of linking to our network and forwarding specific information and good practices that are of specific relevance to the LandAware community. We will keep you updated!

LandAware network News from members

New real time Global Landslide Detector tool

NEWS received from
Catherine Pennington (British Geological Survey)

The British Geological Survey, the European-Mediterranean Seismological Centre and the Qatar Computing Research Institute have built a new Global Landslide Detector tool. 

This machine learning tool extracts data automatically in 32 languages from social media in real-time, identifying landslides in photographs and placing them on the global map. 

The tool is not intended to be used in isolation during a disaster scenario but could complement existing disaster workflows and provide new and timely data, taking into consideration the limitations described in the paper and data biases.  It could also bring efficiency savings for data acquisition for landslide databases.

This first iteration of the tool involves more extensive model training experiments and a larger dataset than previous research. 

Request for feedback:

The authors are asking the LandAware community to engage with the tool and feedback is requested on several elements including:

  • Expanding and refining the landslide keywords used to extract tweets
  • General feedback about the tool using the feedback form
  • Collaboration and engagement for future interations and applications

The paper: Pennington, C.V.L., Bossu, R., Ofli, F., Imran, M., Qazi, U.W., Roch, J. and Banks, V. (2022) A near-real-time global landslide incident reporting tool demonstrator using social media and artificial intelligence.  International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, v 77, 103089, 14 pp. 

The tool:

For any enquiries, please contact Catherine Pennington at the British Geological Survey

LandAware network News from members

New media resources on LEWS

NEWS received from
Mirianna Budimir (Practical Action, SHEAR)

We are pleased to share some collaborative resources on landslide early warning systems co-produced by the Science for Humanitarian Emergencies and Resilience (SHEAR) programme and LandAware:

We hope you find these resources useful and encourage you to use them and share them with your networks.

As a reminder, these resources have been produced to complement existing SHEAR publications:

Related information and resources that are relevant from SHEAR can be found below:

For any questions, please contact

LandAware network News from members WG02 Communication-Networking

New publication on landslide forecasting

NEWS received from
Mirianna Budimir (Practical Action, SHEAR)

A new publication on landslide forecasting was developed by one of the Impact and Influence projects under the FCDO and UKRI-NERC funded SHEAR programme. The title of the work is “Framework for implementation of a landslide early warning forecast model in developing countries: Challenges and lessons from SHEAR.

Forecasting rainfall-induced landslides is a difficult yet important task that can provide time to take action to save lives, reduce economic losses and help to mitigate the impacts of landslides. The type, quality and accessibility of data directly constrain the choice of approach used for the landslide forecasting and its skill. However, in many landslide-prone countries, limited resources, and lack of investment lead to limited data availability and/or insufficient quality data for informed forecasts.
This paper collates understanding from SHEAR consortium members on key considerations for developing territorial (‘regional-scale’) landslide forecasts, particularly in developing country contexts.
The paper has been led by members from Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, the British Geological Survey, the UK Met Office, and Practical Action Consulting International from the LANDSLIP project. The content of this publication has been greatly informed by discussions within LANDSLIP reflecting on project experiences through workshops within
the consortium and across the SHEAR programme.

LandAware network News from members

PhD position at the University of Salerno

NEWS received from
Michele Calvello (University of Salerno, Italy)

A PhD position in “Innovative monitoring and warning strategies for weather-induced landslides using IoT and Machine Learning” is offered at the University of Salerno, Italy. The deadline for applications is 14 July 2022.

The PhD research will be conducted as part of a recently funded Horizon Europe project, coordinated by Prof. Michele Calvello, called “The HuT (Human-Tech nexus): Building a safe haven for coping with climate extremes.” The project includes 26 EU Partners and 10 demonstrators across Europe. The HuT will employ innovative DRR solutions, accounting for the potential variations induced by climate change, and will deal with weather-induced events tackled with trans-disciplinary risk management tools and approaches.

Deadline to apply for the PhD fellowship: 14 July 2022


LandAware network News from members WG02 Communication-Networking

Regional-scale landslide forecasting in two regions of India

NEWS received from
Mirianna Budimir (Practical Action, SHEAR)

Developing regional-scale landslide forecasting in two hazard-prone regions of India: the LANDSLIP project.

Over twelve per cent of the Indian land mass is prone to landslides, directly impacting settlements, roads, strategic trade corridors, and heritage sites. As part of the UKRI funded Science for Humanitarian Emergencies and Resilience (SHEAR) Programme, an international research team have co-developed a prototype regional-scale landslide forecasting system in two hazard-prone districts of India, helping authorities to improve early warning and build resilience to rainfall-triggered landslides. This research project, LANDSLIP “Landslide multi-hazard risk assessment, preparedness and early warning in South Asia: Integrating meteorology, landscape and society” research project, ran from 2016 to 2022.

The LANDSLIP consortium consisted of physical scientists, engineers, social scientists and practitioners from nine organisations in the UK, Italy, and India, including the Geological Survey of India, who are the principal government agency for landslides in India:

  • India: Geological Survey of India, Amrita University, Practical Action-India, SaveTheHills and Keystone.
  • Italy: Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche.
  • UK: British Geological Survey, King’s College London, Met Office, Practical Action Consulting International, Newcastle University.

Through multi-agency collaboration, using interdisciplinary methodologies and perspectives and associated funding of eight PhD students, LANDSLIP has also developed new research and insights by building on existing scientific research in India, the UK and Italy.

Project outputs are aiding Indian authorities to further develop data, models, protocols and procedures to improve landslide forecasting and, in turn, support early warning.

For more information on the project, and to access resources produced by the project see:

News from members WG08 IoT-based methods and analyses

New article on IoT-based hydrological monitoring of water-induced landslides

NEWS received from
Emir Ahmet Oguz – NTNU, Norway

Our new paper “IoT-based hydrological monitoring of water-induced landslides: a case study in central Norway” was published on the Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment.
This study presents an overview of a case study on IoT-based hydrological monitoring of water-induced landslides in central Norway and highlights several important findings on the implementation of IoT-based monitoring systems. The collected data on hydrological activities in terms of volumetric water content and matric suction provided novel and valuable insights into the hydrological responses of slopes in seasonally cold climates.
Our paper was published with open access and feel free to read this study!

News from members WG08 IoT-based methods and analyses

Working Group 8 kick-off meeting

NEWS received from
Dylan Mikesell and Luca Piciullo (NGI, Norway)

Please join us for the LandAware Working Group 8 (WG08kick-off meeting. This working group is meant to share knowledge from case studies and pilot test sites with the goal to test real-time monitoring and modeling for landslide early warning purposes. Both local and territorial landslide early warning systems will be investigated.

The speed-meeting will be brief (ca. 30min) and held virtually via Microsoft Teams. The goal of this meeting is to introduce interested participants to this working group and share information on potential opportunities. In addition, participants will have the chance to give input on the direction this working group goes.

Who: LandAware WG08

What: Kick-off meeting

WhereTeams Link

When: Wednesday 11 May 202216:00-16:30 CET


1. Introduction to WG08 – Luca Piciullo – 10 min

2. Short questionnaire – moderator Dylan Mikesell – 10 min

3. participant discussion – ca. 10/20 min

We hope to meet you soon virtually to start this exciting cooperative working group.

The organizing group:

Luca Piciullo, Dylan Mikesell, James Michael Strout, Regula Frauenfelder, Rosa Maria Palau Berastegui, Emanuele Intrieri, Małgorzata Chmiel, Veronica Tofani, Marcel Hürlimann.