LandAware network WG07 Operational LEWS

Recordings of the webinar by NASA and PDC on Landslide Hazard Awareness

The recordings of the webinar by NASA and Pacific Disaster Center on Landslide Hazard Awareness held on April 11, 2024 (info here) can be found on the LandAware YouTube channel:

LandAware webinar “Landslide Hazard Awareness – NASA & PDC cooperation to support decision-making”
WG05 Innovations

WG5 – Recorded presentation on Machine-Learning based landslide hazard mapping

NEWS received from
Manfred Stähli (WSL, Switzerland)

In the meeting of WG5 held on 14 June, 2023, Ann-Kathrin Edrich from RWTH Aachen University presented her work entitled “Time-dependent shallow landslide hazard mapping using an event-based machine learning approach

The recorded presentation is now available:

The next WG5 meeting is planned for September 2023.

LandAware network

Videos of the invited talks in the LandAware online workshop 2023

The LandAware online workshop 2023 was held on June 1, 2023.

If you missed the event, here you can watch the recordings of the invited lectures on the LandAware youtube channel.

Kristen Cook (University of Grenoble, France)

Kristen Cook – The use of seismology for real-time landslide detection and mass flow early warning

Johannes Leinauer (TU Munich, Germany)

Johannes Leinauer – Displacement data for early warning forecasting the time of landslides

Elena Ioriatti (University of Bologna, Italy)

Elena Ioriatti – Study of debris flow initiation through the analysis of seismic signals
LandAware network WG02 Communication-Networking

Recordings of the LandAware Workshop 2022

The recordings of the LandAware Workshop 2022, held in Zürich/Birmensdorf, Switzerland, on 3-5 October 2022, are now available on our youtube channel.

Manfred Stähli (WSL, Swizterland) and Michele Calvello (University of Salerno, Italy) presenting the workshop and the LandAware network.
Graziella Devoli from NVE, Norway presents “How we deal with summer convective rainfall and big storms
Nikhil Vasu from BGS, UK: Assessment of rainfall-induced landslide hazard at a regional scale. BGS experience through the Natural Hazards Partnership.
Richard Carter, BGC Consulting, Canada: Development of data-driven LEW thresholds for slow moving landslides in western Canada.
Silvia Peruccacci, CNR IRPI, Italy presents “An Italian experience of landslide forecasting along the national railway infrastructure”
Felipe Mandarino, from the City of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, presents “LHASA Rio – A local LEWS based on NASAs global landslide hazard assessment model
Hiroaki Nakaya, NILIM – Japan: “Landslide Early Warning Systems. Some technical remarks from Japan
Andy Subiyantoro Regional and Local Landslide Early Warning System for Indonesia
Invited lecture by Lisa Luna (University of Potsdam, Germany) “Incomplete landslide inventory data: When is it a problem and what can we do with it?
Panel discussion on the topic “Warnings for natural hazards” moderated by Stefano Luigi Gariano (CNR IRPI, Italy). With Carina Fearnley (UCL Warning Research Center, UK), Rainer Kaltenberger (MeteoAlarm), Yano Atsuhisa (Japan Meteorological Agency).
LandAware network

Presentation of the network at WLF5

Presentation of the LandAware network at WLF5, the 5th World Landslide Forum “Implementing and Monitoring the Sendai Landslide Partnerships 2015-2025” (2-6 November 2021, Kyoto, Japan)

Theme 3: Monitoring and Early Warning

Companion paper, published on Landslides

WG04 eLearning

Second online meeting of WG04 “eLearning”

The second meeting of the “eLearning” Working Group was held on October 5, 2021. The recording is available on our YouTube channel (video embedded below).

WG06 LEWS data

Third online meeting of WG06 “LEWS data”

The third meeting of the “LEWS Data” Working Group was held on September 20, 2021. The recording is available on our YouTube channel (video embedded below).

LandAware network

Recording of LandAware kick-off 2020

The recording of the LandAware kick-off meeting, held on 14 December 2020, is on YouTube for you to watch on demand.

Enjoy it!