LandAware network WG05 Innovations

Recordings of the WG5 webinar “Using Big Data for Postfire Debris Flow Situational Awareness” by Fancis Rengers, USGS

The recordings of the WG5 webinar “Using Big Data for Postfire Debris Flow Situational Awareness” by Francis Rengers (U.S. Geological Survey) , held on 9 January 2025, are available on the LandAware YouTube channel:

News from members WG05 Innovations

WG5 meeting with a webinar on “Using Big Data for Postfire Debris Flow Situational Awareness”

News received from
Ben Mirus (USGS, USA) and Manfred Stähli (WSL, Switzerland)

On Thursday, 9 January, 2025, 3:00 – 4:00 pm CET, within the next WG5 meeting, Francis Rengers from the U.S. Geological Survey, St. Golden, will present his work on “Using Big Data for Postfire Debris Flow Situational Awareness

Teaser: In semi-arid regions of the United States rainfall intensity thresholds are used to estimate when postfire debris flows may occur. Prior research has shown that postfire debris flows are highly correlated with short-duration rainfall intensity, and that short duration rainfall thresholds (e.g., 15-minute rainfall intensity) can be estimated based on wildfire and terrain attributes. Consequently, it is possible to determine possible debris flow activity in recent burn areas in the western U.S.A. by tracking rainfall rates using publicly available rainfall data. We have developed a software (FlowAlert) and an accompanying map dashboard that monitors when and where rain gages near burn areas cross rainfall intensity thresholds. The software runs continuously on a Linux server, processing more than 2500 rain gages every two hours.

In addition to this presentation (with Q&A) the WG meeting will include the following items:

  1. Pop-ups from the working group members (be prepared to contribute with your info to the group!)
  2. Info about recent and upcoming LandAware events and activities
  3. Outlook WG5

Zoom link to join the meeting:

WG05 Innovations

WG5 meeting: Soil moisture-based thresholds for the assessment of landslide hazard

LandAware WG5 meeting 20 September 2024, 3 p.m. CEST

Luca Ciabatta from the Research Institute of Geo-Hydrological Protection (IRPI) of the National Research Council (CNR), Perugia, will present his recent work on

Soil moisture-based thresholds for the assessment of landslide hazard.

Summary: The Civil Protection Service of Umbria Region, central Italy, developed a landslide early warning system based on soil moisture conditions and rainfall over the regional territory. By identifying the degree of saturation before and after the rainfall event (obtained through a hydrological model), it has been observed that most of the activations occurred when the soil reached saturation. In this way, an alert can be issued when the amount of rainfall needed by the soil to reach saturation is observed. The proposed method is able to identify correctly most of the proposed events with a very limited amount of false alarms.

People can join the meeting with the following link:

WG05 Innovations

WG5 webinar “Landslide susceptibility and road-network connectivity with Machine Learning”

Recording of the WG5 meeting of 25 June 2024

Topic: Landslide susceptibility and road-network connectivity by means of Machine Learning

Joshua Dimasaka (Cambridge University, Centre for Risk in the Built Environment) presented his work on how landslide susceptibility and the associated road-network connectivity can be calculated with Machine Learning. And he showed a very illustrative application of his methods to the case of Norway.

The recorded presentation is available on our YouTube channel:

WG05 Innovations

WG5 online meeting on 25 June 2024

NEWS received from
Manfred Stähli (WSL, Switzerland)

In the next LandAware WG 5 online meeting on 25 June, 2024, 3:00-4:00 pm CEST, Joshua Dimasaka, from the Cambridge University Centre for Risk in the Built Environment, will present his work related to the real-time assessment of the exposure and physical vulnerability dynamics of settlements using Machine Learning.

Further items of the meeting will be:

  1. Pop-ups from the working group members (be prepared to contribute with your info to the group!)
  2. Info about recent and upcoming LandAware events and activities
  3. Outlook WG5

Welcome to join the meeting with the following link:

WG05 Innovations

WG5 – Recorded presentation on Machine-Learning based landslide hazard mapping

NEWS received from
Manfred Stähli (WSL, Switzerland)

In the meeting of WG5 held on 14 June, 2023, Ann-Kathrin Edrich from RWTH Aachen University presented her work entitled “Time-dependent shallow landslide hazard mapping using an event-based machine learning approach

The recorded presentation is now available:

The next WG5 meeting is planned for September 2023.

News from members WG07 Operational LEWS

Second regional meeting for the Latin American region (in Spanish)

NEWS received from
Mario Reyes (MARN, El Salvador), Graziella Devoli (NVE, Norway)

SAVE THE DATE for the 2nd regional meeting for the Latin American region (in Spanish) organized by the WG7 Operational LEWS to establish contact among members from the same country/region, to exchange experience and to know about projects in the region and possibly to promote future collaborations among LandAware associates and observers.

Wednesday, 24th of May 2023 
– 1:00 PM Ciudad de Guatemala time
21:00 PM Central Europe summer time, CEST

Click here to join the meeting
Haga clic aquí para participar en la reunión
Klikk her for å bli med i møtet

WG08 IoT-based methods and analyses

WG8 workshop on Landslide Warning and Prediction using IoT and Machine Learning

NEWS received from
Luca Piciullo (NGI, Norway)

Joint Technical Workshop (WG8 & ISSMGE TC309) on Landslide Warning and Prediction using IoT and Machine Learning

February 23, 2023 09:00-12:00 CET

Teams  Meeting ID: 331 710 067 783   –   Passcode: V6tSh9  

News from members WG05 Innovations

WG5 meeting on the role of wind in Hurricane prone regions for landslide early warning

NEWS received from
Manfred Stähli (WSL, Switzerland) and Ben Mirus (USGS, USA)

On February 3, 2023, a meeting of LandAware WG 5 “Innovations” addressed the role of wind speed and direction for landslide occurrence in Hurricane prone regions.

Guest speaker, Yuri Gorokhovich (Lehman College, City University of New York) illustrated how we are getting closer to predicting landslides in Hurricane prone regions in real-time using wind information.

The recorded presentation is available in the LandAware youtube channel

The next WG 5 meeting – with a completely different topic – will take place in May/June 2023.

Manfred Stähli & Ben Mirus

WG04 eLearning

Second online meeting of WG04 “eLearning”

The second meeting of the “eLearning” Working Group was held on October 5, 2021. The recording is available on our YouTube channel (video embedded below).