Working Groups

Working groups (WGs) are the main operational units of LandAware. WGs are formed to discuss and address specific topics and to fulfill specific working objectives, falling within the main scope of LandAware. WGs are set up with a clear mandate and operate either continuously or for a fixed period of time, in the case of working objectives that are associated to one-off deliverables.

The establishment of a WG, the definition of its working objectives and the deadlines of the WG’s deliverables are initially approved by the executive committee and then confirmed, or amended, by the general assembly during every ordinary meeting.

Each WG is composed of:

  • one or two coordinators, WG-Chairs;
  • members interested in the activities of the working group, WG-Associates and WG-Observers.

All Associates can be elected WG-Chairs, upon nomination or auto-nominations accompanied by a working proposal for the WG activities, to be submitted to the executive committee at any time. WG-Chairs are initially appointed by the executive committee, and then confirmed or amended by the general assembly, at each ordinary meeting. WG-Chairs shall ensure that WGs meet as often as the business requires, act consistently, efficiently and as a collegiate body to fulfill the established working objectives.

All members can be appointed WG-Associates of one or more WGs, upon request submitted to the WG-Chairs. The requests are evaluated considering the proven expertise of the requesting member to actively contribute to the mandate of the WG. At any time, the WG-Chairs may terminate the participation to a WG of WG-Associates who do not participate to the group activities or whose actions are in contrast with the objectives of the WG. Against such decisions, WG-Associates may appeal to the executive committee, who finally decides on whether to reinstall the member in the WG.

Currently active working groups

Dismissed working group

Proposals of new working groups submitted by LandAware members are welcome. If interested, fill this form and send it to