Communication with stakeholders (WG03)

Reference persons

Working Group Chairs

Katy Freeborough (British Geological Survey – United Kingdom) contact me

Joanne Robbins (Met Office – United Kingdom) contact me

Do not hesitate to contact us if you need more information or you wish to be actively involved in the activities of this WG.


The goal of this working group is to promote the involvement and engagement of stakeholders, decision makers and responders in the research of LEWS. Landslide models, forecasts and warnings should be developed with careful consideration of end-user’ needs to ensure that LEWS provide relevant and useful information that supports users to take relevant action according to their responsibilities. As researchers we need to maintain and encourage communication with users to improve understanding of the uncertainties and limitations of LEWS, and the impact this has on usability and usefulness from the user perspective.

Ongoing activities

  • Promotion of workshops, video meetings and feedback from users of outputs LEWS systems.
  • Engagement of end users, responders and stakeholders who are involved the communication of warnings.
  • Skills and knowledge transfer, language development and standardisation.

Past activities

The WG carried out an initial member questionnaire in 2021 to establish a baseline of the experience of stakeholder engagement within the group. Key findings included that current WG configuration is currently researcher heavy and there is a need for more stakeholders & users to engage.

Key fact: Across the community pathways for sustainable stakeholder engagement within LEWS development remains fairly new. This mirrors the relatively low pull-through of research-to-operational LEWS.

Useful References:

Identified useful resources for Stakeholder engagement consideration.


HiWeather Project Book (launch event on YouTube):

Golding, B. (Ed) Towards the “perfect” weather warning. Bridging Disciplinary gaps through partnership and communication. Springer

Blogs & Conferences:

Apr ’23: HIWeather Panel discussion “Understanding the role of the expert advisor linking hazard specialists and institutional decision makers

Feb ’23: FOREWARN Start Network: Global FOREWARN Community Meeting Q1: Landslides

Sep ‘22: UCL Warning Research Centre “Performing Warnings: A co-creation workshop

Aug ’22: LandAware blog post (Mirianna Budimir)

May ’22: Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction

Apr ’22: SHEAR at EGU

Mar ’22: Online conference: Weather & Society (meeting report will shortly be available in the Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society)

Nov ’21: World Landslide Forum (WLF5)

May ’21: LandAware MayDay Session 21

Dec ’20: Understanding Risk Forum

User-centric LEWS projects with interest to WG3

The Human-Tech Nexus (HuT) Project:

Within the HuT project, European research groups, institutions, and stakeholders will work together to integrate and leverage best practices and successful multi-disciplinary experiences. Emphasis will be placed on assessing the transferability of the developed innovations to different territorial contexts and hazards. The activities will be designed to maximise the chances of these innovations having a long-lasting impact, inside and outside the demonstrators’ arena.